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Year 2 Learning Journeys

Year 2 ends our journey through Key Stage 1, preparing the children for Key Stage 2.

AUTUMN 1 "Little Red" & "Little Red Hen"


English -the children Listen to and enjoy Little Red Riding Hood before innovating their own traditional tale. Following the instructions from the book children explore bread making before creating their own instructions.

Geography – We explore the UK by looking at maps before making are own maps for the Little Red Hen.

Art- create sculptures to depict the main characters form Little Red Riding Hood.

Music –  African rhythms shake things up and get our hearts and pulses moving!

Science – look at animal groups and habitats!

PSHE- we learn to live, learn and play together.

DT- Great British Bake Off comes to Year 2 as the children will prepare and make their own bread!

AUTUMN 2 "Traction Man"


English- we will write instructions for a pet scrubbing man for Traction Man; we will list his character traits and explain what he can do!

Science- the children will investigate which materials are waterproof.

D and T – the children will design and make  their own device for Traction Man.

History – find out about Queen Elizabeth II, how long she has reigned.

DT/Science- design and make their own pet scrubbing brush out of household materials

RE/Music- an all singing and all dancing celebration of the Christmas story, resulting in the Year 2 Christmas production!

Christmas- A letter to Santa and a candle focused trip to Ely cathedral to find out how Christians

SPRING 1 "Pumpkin Soup" & "The Tin Forest"


English- Pumpkin Soup is a lovely tale about falling out with friends and making up! The children write about feelings of the characters before writing their own version of another soup.  

DT-the children will keep a food diary to look at what they eat and encourage healthy eating.

Science- Pumpkin Soup is set in a forest so the children will look at how trees and plants grow.

Art- using our wonderful Hillcrest wood we will draw the trees and look at the patterns of bark.

PSHE- like in Pumpkin Soup we look at our managing our friendships and having healthy lifestyles.

PSHE- we will be learning about respecting our friends and adults and that some animals can be dangerous if not treated with respect.

DT- making puppets to retell the story

SPRING 2 "George & the Dragon"


English – dragons,  castles, and mice weave across these books. We will create our own dragon and fantasy stories. We then look at Diaries before wring our own in the style of Samuel Pepys.

History – we will take a step back in time to find out about the life of William the Conqueror and what it was like to live in 1066. We will learn about the Battle of Hastings and how life was different to now. Then we explore London in 1666 to see what it was like before and after the Great Fire of London. Looking at the diary of Samule Pepys and exploring what makes a reliable source.

Science – with links to the Battle of Hastings, we will investigate what material makes the best armour!

Art/DT – we will be finding out about shields and will use their amazing art skills to design and make their own class shield.

PSHE – we will continue to explore how everyone is different and the importance of celebrating the differences.

Music/PE – using a range of music and dance skills, we will explore and create our own medieval music and dance, looking at the style from the time period.

DT – the children will get the opportunity to find out about what the diet was like for people living in medieval times – making links to our healthy eating.

PSHE – getting on and falling out! Children will think about how to deal with difficult situations within their friendships and how they can solve their own problems.

History – let’s re-enact the Battle of Hastings!

SUMMER 1 "Mrs Lather's Laundry"


English – fun and fabulous stories all about Victorian life will help the children to write about Victorian life and what it was like to do the washing over 100 years ago! The children will pretend to be a Victorian maid and write a recount of the bustling times!

History – travelling back in time the children will find out about life in Victorian Times. What is it like inside a Victorian Home? We will be making a direct comparison between historical and modern homes.

Trip- trip to Gressenhall Victorian Museum of Working life.

Science- investigating different materials from the Victorian kitchen and kitchen utensils today.

SUMMER 2 "Fantastic Mr Fox" & "Alice in Wonderland"


English – a well-loved British author takes us on a fun animal adventure! By writing character profiles and characters in role this will help the children to then write their own humorous story. 

Science – fantastic Mr Fox needs to find a new place to live. We will be looking at animal habitats and their requirements for survival, including micro-habitats.

Geography – helping Mr Fox we will plan a route for him to get to the farmers homes to gather food, using symbols and the correct pictures.

PSHE – continuing on with habitats, the children will find out about the basic needs of people and how we can help each other.

English – everything is not quite as it seems in Wonderland! Lewis Carroll provides us with wonderful animals and setting to describe, which will lead us onto writing nonsense animal poetry and their own story about being in wonderland!

Music/Art – within school the children will make masks and complete a performance of Fantastic Mr Fox to share with the other classes. We will create music to support the performance.

DT – design and make clay animals – linking to both texts this term.

Science/PE – the children will continue to explore the importance of healthy eating and how we need to exercise regularly and eating the right amounts.