Year 1 Meteors
Welcome to Meteors Class!
My name is Miss Arnold and I am the class teacher for Meteors. We enjoy being outside, going for walks and visiting the local forest school. We work closely alongside our brilliant teaching assistant, Mrs Barber. Together, with Meteors, we make up part of the year 1 team, which sees your child transition from reception and start their journey into Key Stage 1.
In year 1, we are lucky to cover a fantastic variety of TLC books, with a range of different topics and themes. It is these TLC books, which underpin our learning and help us to create interactive displays and inviting activities for your child. Additionally, this allows us to dive into our curriculum and explore the learning objectives set out in the National Curriculum.
We have continued many of the learning styles from reception and this year outdoor learning will become extremely prominent and the children will be extremely lucky and experience forest school sessions led by a trained forest school leader; it is a fantastic style of learning for children to fully immerse themselves and take ownership of their own achievements.
Year 1 is an exciting year, which sees us support your child in becoming an independent member of Meteors Class, who by the end of the year, is ready to continue their journey into Year 2.