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Safeguarding is our top priority at Hillcrest.  The safeguarding of our pupils, families and staff forms the core of everything we do. 

We believe in 3 core principles, each building on the one before:

  1. Keeping everyone SAFE
  2. Helping everyone to be HAPPY and REGULATED
  3. Helping everyone to LEARN and PROGRESS

Hillcrest's Safeguarding Culture is central to all we do.  Click on this image to explore how we keep children safe.


All adults in school know that SAFEGUARDING IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY.  However, our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Alternate DSLs (ADSLs) are there as a primary point of contact and oversee the safety of our pupils.

All staff receive yearly safeguarding training, based upon the most recent Keeping Children Safe in Education document and the Prevent initiative, in the form of the Norfolk Core Package (provided by Norfolk County Council).  In addition to this, staff receive safeguarding updates throughout the year, refreshing their knowledge of various safeguarding matters.