Welcome to our Special Education Needs & Disability Page.
At Hillcrest we are committed to working together with all members of our school community.
SEN & Disability Coordinators | Mrs Nancy White |
Miss Kelly Hancox |
If you have questions about the Norfolk Local Offer please look at Norfolk Children’s Services website by clicking here Alternatively, if you think your child may have SEN please speak to their Class Teacher or contact Nancy White our SENDCO on 01366 388191 or by email
Accessibility Plan & Audits
Hillcrest Primary School is an inclusive community that focuses on the wellbeing and progress of every student and where all members of our community are of equal worth.
We value diversity and seek to give everyone in the school an equal chance to learn. Our guiding principle is to identify and break down possible barriers to learning so that all students ‘achieve their very best’.
Hillcrest is a school where all students, including those with disabilities, are supported and challenged to fulfil high ambitions. The school’s SEND policy and local offer play a substantial role in guiding the school’s developing provision for students with special educational needs and disabilities. That alongside the Accessibility Plan ensure our pupils are given equal access in aspects of school life.
Disability Equality Scheme and Disability Accessibility Plan for Pupils
Access Audits (I Building & Main Building)
SEND Information Report
Part of the Norfolk Local Offer for Learners with SEND
Welcome to our SEN information report (please click the link to the right for the whole document) which is part of the Norfolk Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN). All governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nurseries, schools and the proprietors of academy schools have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN.
At Hillcrest we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. This local offer has been produced with pupils, parents/carers, governors and members of staff. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of our offer, so please do contact us. The best people to contact this year are:
Head teacher | Mr Matthew Try |
Chair of Governors | Mr Paul Critchley |
SEN & Disability Coordinator | Mrs Nancy White |
If you have questions about the Norfolk Local Offer please look at Norfolk Children’s Services website by clicking here Alternatively, if you think your child may have SEN please speak to their Class Teacher or contact Nancy White our SENDCO on 01366 388191 or by email