Remote Learning
In these uncertain times, Hillcrest Primary School is working hard to ensure that our pupils' learning is not disrupted in the event of them needing to self-isolate individually for up to 10 or 14 days respectively or, more widely, as a class.
Should this be the case, our pupils can seamlessly access our Remote Learning provision, via year group "Day 1 Instant Access to Learning documents" that contain a Maths and an English activity based on the current week's work.
Once a pupil is isolating, their teachers will then create more detailed Virtual Timetables to make sure that they access the curriculum that enables them to keep up to date with the learning covered in class while they are away.
At the bottom of this page you will find our Remote Learning Policy, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
In the Downloads box below, you will also find information posters highlighting the need to self-isolate should you display any of the symptoms of COVID-19, along with a poster listing the symptoms of the virus. PLEASE DO TAKE A LOOK!