Pupil Premium
Hillcrest Primary School
2021- 2022
Pupil Premium Report
Pupil premium was introduced in April 2011. The funding is provided in addition to the main school funding from the LA and is intended to help disadvantaged pupils to ‘close the gap’ and to raise attainment and improve progress.
Children who are eligible include:
- Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years
- Children registered are recorded as FSM and those who are not currently registered but were in the previous six years are recorded as FSM Ever 6.
- Children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
- Children of armed services personnel.
The funds are used, supplemented by the school’s budget, to provide additional support so that the gap is reduced between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium children. At Hillcrest “those pupils who receive additional support from the pupil premium for English and mathematics are still behind that of other pupils, although the gap is narrowing across the school as result of the focused help they are receiving.” (Hillcrest Primary Report, Ofsted 2013)
“Throughout the school, teachers and teaching assistants work effectively together. This is especially the case in supporting the work of those pupils who receive additional provision of some kind”.
(Hillcrest Primary Report, Ofsted 2013)
“Support Staff were used well and provided effective support for the pupils’ learning”.
(G. Timms, LA Challenge partner, 2016)
Hillcrest’s approach draws upon educational research from The Sutton Trust/ Education Endowment Foundation which provides guidance for teachers and schools on how to use their resources to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
For full details of the current Pupil Premium Strategy (including our most recent data), click on the file below.