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Friends of Hillcrest

We have a very active Friends of Hillcrest committee, consisting of a group of dedicated volunteers who organise fundraising activities and enrichment opportunities for the pupils. 

EVERY PENNY RAISED BY THE FRIENDS OF HILLCREST GOES INTO ENRICHING EXPERIENCES FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND CONTRIBUTING RESOURCES TO THE SCHOOL.  One small example is when the FOH purchases a new bookbag for each new Reception child when they join the school.

The Friends of Hillcrest play a central role in our school year from Mothering Sunday to Christmas.  We really do value the wonderful contribution that the 'Friends' make to our school.  Recently, they re-stocked our cookery area, providing a wealth of resources for the pupils to enjoy.

If you would like some information about how to help the Friends of Hillcrest, please do not hesitate to contact them via the school office or by emailing them at

Alternatively, take a look at their Facebook page.  Search for "Friends of Hillcrest".