Christingle Church Service
It was amazing to see so many family members attend our Christingle services at St Edmunds Church!
As a school we are keen to keep links within our community and our Christingle Services allowed the children to take part in the services, led by Father Mather at St Edmunds Church.
It was great to hear year 3 and 5 perform a variety of hymns during the morning service. The children got to light Christingles and a selection of readers told the Christmas Story.
This was followed by an afternoon service, which saw year 4 and 6 sing a variety of classic festive hymns, along with the lighting of Christingles and the Christmas Story being told by a number of readers.
It was amazing to see the church packed out at both services, with a number of family members standing to ensure they did not miss the service.
Thank you for your support and attendance at these services, it was very much appreciated by Father Mather, Hillcrest and your children.
In addition to our services, St Edmunds Church will be holding a service, where all children who attend will be given their own Christingles to light up the church on a dark Christmas Eve. Father Mather is looking forward to seeing you there.