Update on First COVID Case at Hillcrest
As you will be aware, Neptune Class has been closed today as a precautionary measure because of a report that a pupil has tested positive for Covid-19.
At the time the message was received yesterday, there was no external support to call upon to help advise as to the correct course of action. Therefore, we have erred on the side of caution to ensure that everyone is as safe as possible and took the step to close Neptune on Friday 11th December.
However, having taken advice during the course of the morning, we are now reassured that the timelines involved allow us to reopen Neptune Class to the pupils as normal from Monday 14th December and that the children will be able to enjoy the final week in school before Christmas safely.
The class would only have to self-isolate for 14 days if they had been in close indoor contact with the child within 48 hours of them developing symptoms. As he was last in school on Friday 4 th December and didn’t develop symptoms until Tuesday 8 th December, the Norfolk Outbreak Management Centre have advised us that it is safe for the children to return to school on Monday.
This also means that all other children across the school in all year groups can be reassured that, despite this being the first positive Covid case that Hillcrest has experienced, they were never at any risk because of the prompt action taken by the parents who self-isolated their child upon another family member going down with symptoms. This action has prevented the class from needing to self-isolate over a much longer period.
We were doing so well, especially as such a large school, to have got so far through the term without any positive cases. However, this case does highlight the continued vigilance that is needed and will continue to be needed in January upon our return with all the current measures including the oneway system, staggered starts and social distancing remaining in place throughout the Spring Term.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Try