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Parent Consultation Evenings by Phone

In a further change to the way we have to do things due to the current health situation, this term’s Parent Consultation Evenings will be held over the phone and not face-to-face

As usual, parents should book a time slot using the WisePay system. The phone meetings will still be 10 minutes long. However, with other parents waiting at home for a call at a specific time, it is vitally important that those meetings keep to their 10 minutes and don’t drag over.

If you have a specific number that is best for you i.e landline or mobile, then it would be worth emailing your child’s class teacher once you have booked your slot via WisePay to confirm the number you want them to contact you on.

All appointments will fall between 4.00pm and 7.00pm on the following dates…

Tuesday 13th October Reception Parents

Wednesday 14th October Year 3 Parents

Thursday 15th October Year 4 Parents

Monday 19th October Year 5 Parents

Tuesday 20th October Year 6 Parents

Wednesday 21st October Year 1 & 2 Parents

Monday 2nd November Year 5 Parents

Tuesday 3rd November Reception Parents

Wednesday 4th November Year 3 Parents

Thursday 5th November Year 4 Parents

Tuesday 10th November Year 6 Parents

Wednesday 11th November Year 1 & 2 Parents


Bookings can be made via WisePay from today.